U.S. 30 – Dauberman Road to IL 47
The Illinois Department of Transportation (Department) has initiated a preliminary engineering and environmental study (Phase I) for the improvement of U.S. Route 30 (U.S. 30) from east of Dauberman Road to Illinois Route 47 (IL 47) in the Villages of Sugar Grove and Big Rock in Kane County. Funding for this improvement is not included in the Department’s Proposed Highway Improvement Program. However, this project will be included in our priorities for future funding consideration among similar improvement needs throughout the region.
The purpose of the project is to improve US 30 between Dauberman Road and IL 47 to accommodate year 2050 transportation needs. The specific needs to be addressed include transportation related safety and operations, mobility (traffic flow) and capacity, geometric deficiencies, pedestrian and bicyclist facilities, and drainage improvements.
The Department initiated the study of US 30 from Dugan Road to Illinois 47 in 2013. That study identified immediate safety, operational and drainage needs. As a result, the Department completed interim improvements of US 30 from Dugan Road to Municipal Drive in 2016. The interim improvements included resurfacing and reconstruction of the US 30 and Dugan Road intersection to provide additional exclusive turning lanes and traffic signal modernization. Shoulders were also provided along the north and south sides of US 30 from Dugan Road to west of Municipal Drive.
In 2016, the Kane County Division of Transportation initiated a Phase I study for the extension of Dauberman Road south of US 30 to Granart Road. The proposed scope of work includes a grade separation of Dauberman Road over both the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad and over US 30, with a jug-handle type interchange in the northeast quadrant. Construction of the Dauberman Road extension began in 2023.
In 2017, the Department’s project study limits were extended west to meet the limits of the Kane County Dauberman Road project limits.
Because funding has not been identified for subsequent phases of the US 30 from Dauberman Road to IL 47 project, the Phase I Study can not be finalized. Once funding for subsequent phases has been identified, the Phase I Study will be completed. At that time, a public meeting will be conducted to present and obtain input on proposed improvements..
The proposed improvement is anticipated to consist of widening US 30 from one lane in each direction to two lanes in each direction from Dauberman Road to Municipal Drive and would include pedestrian and bicyclist accommodations The improvements are expected to improve traffic operations and enhance safety along the corridor.
A virtual public involvement event was held in spring of 2021 to discuss the need for the improvement, to present the proposed improvement plan from Dugan Road to Municipal Drive, and to obtain public input. The following materials were presented at the meeting. Another public meeting will be held prior to completion of the Phase I Study to present and obtain comments on the proposed improvements.
- 01-Study Location Map
- 02-2021-01 Newsletter
- 03-Presentation
- 04-Crash_exhibit
- 05-Traffic Counts
- 06-Existing Conditions Dauberman to Dugan
- 07-Existing Conditions Duganto IL 47
- 08-Existing Roadway Section
- 09-Proposed Roadway Section
- 10-Proposed Improvement Dugan to Indigo
- 11-Proposed Improvement Indigo to Municipal
- 12-2021-03-21 Public Event Summary
- 13-2021-08-13 Newsletter
The Department is interested in hearing from you. If you have questions or comments, please complete the feedback form. Thank you.