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Employee Spotlight: Bureau Chief of Federal Affairs Tim McMahon

IDOT Blog – Monday, June 5, 2023
Tim McMahon

Tim McMahon took on the role of bureau chief of Federal Affairs in February. He came to IDOT with a wealth of experience: He spent the past six years at the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and the four before that in Washington, D.C., working for Sen. Dick Durbin and at the U.S. Department of Transportation in congressional affairs.

Here are some of his thoughts about his job and life outside of IDOT.

What is your current job at IDOT?

Ensuring that IDOT and our partners (local governments, civic organizations, transportation providers) are taking full advantage of the opportunities within the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This includes regular coordination with administration, committee, congressional and American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials staff; working with local project sponsors on how IDOT can be supportive of their projects and vice versa; working with other departments at IDOT to review and submit grant applications; and finally, coalition-building to support IDOT’s priority projects.

What’s the most important impact of your work?

Creating a safer, more equitable and more resilient transportation system that really centers decisions around the people and communities we’re serving across the state. IDOT and our partners receiving federal funds to make projects a reality to achieve that goal is the most important part of the work I’m doing.

What’s your favorite part of the job?

My favorite part of the job has been getting to know all of my new coworkers at IDOT, learning about what they do and what projects they’re working on. That then gives me the opportunity to share all of the great work the agency is doing with our congressional partners in Washington, D.C.

Anything to highlight?

The federal infrastructure law has presented what can feel like an overwhelming amount of funding opportunities with a multitude of rules and guidance for receiving that funding, but that’s a good problem to have with a transformative amount on the table. My goal is to continue the prioritization and grant targeting we’ve been doing internally so we can share those stories and build coalitions around our projects externally.

Anything to tell us about your department?

In addition to IIJA implementation, the federal affairs team tracks and reviews any potential impacts that federal legislation or rulemakings may have on the department. Most importantly, we are a resource to the agency and any staff that may have a question on anything happening at the federal level.

What prepared you for your current role?

A few years ago, I received my master’s degree in public administration with a focus on public finance from the University of Illinois Chicago. Earning that degree while working at Chicago’s metropolitan planning organization, CMAP, was an invaluable experience in learning how transportation projects are planned, funded and implemented.

How do you contribute to your profession?

I recently joined the Chicago Chapter of the Women’s Transportation Seminar as legislative affairs co-chair. It’s been a great opportunity to meet people who belong to an organization with such an important and positive mission. And WTS is always looking for new members if anyone is interested!
