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IDOT Addresses Equality

IDOT Blog – Thursday, June 11, 2020

Dear fellow IDOT team members:

These last few days and weeks have been extremely emotional and difficult for many of us. The protests taking place across the country are the result of justifiable anger, confusion and pain that have built up over a much longer period of time. The governor’s message recently sent to all state employees captures much of what I feel.

As the head of IDOT, I want you to know this agency will not tolerate racism and inequality. Period. I take it personally whenever I hear of someone within IDOT who has experienced discrimination or been treated unfairly. It has happened. It has been hurtful. We cannot deny or avoid that. But we will fix it.

This department is a special place for many reasons. The work we do is the most visible of any state agency. We are leaders in our respective fields. We affect every person, every day throughout Illinois in some way. Ensuring equal rights is a vitally important piece of our overall mission.

Since the first day I was appointed secretary, I have stated many times my commitment to building an IDOT that truly reflects the communities it serves, both inside of the department and on our job sites. I believe that’s our obligation as public servants, one that will only serve to strengthen us and a state rich in diversity.

When we fall short, I want us to find solutions and look for opportunity.

We are learning that we still have a long way to go.

Many challenges lie ahead, starting with the important first step of making sure every individual is shown respect, dignity and kindness.

