Amtrak Services
Illinois represents a major crossroads for the nation's rail network, and Chicago represents the largest rail hub in North America. We are fortunate to enjoy a strong passenger rail service, offering an attractive and affordable travel choice.
Traveling by Amtrak is convenient and affordable with numerous amenities for passengers, including business services such as free wi-fi access, food service, and ample room for on-board transportation cargo such as bicycles. Even more exciting is the high-speed rail initiative. Thanks to significant state and federal investment, one segment of the Chicago to St. Louis high-speed corridor is currently operating at 110 mph, and additional high-speed corridor segments will debut at speeds up to 110 mph by the end of 2015, cutting inner-city travel times even further. More than 1.8 million passengers boarded Amtrak within Illinois in 2013.

To view current Amtrak routes, please access the map below.