Hospital Heliport Directory
IDOT's Division of Aeronautics has created a new Hospital Heliport Directory to assist in planning Emergency Medical Services (EMS) flight operations throughout the state. This supersedes the previous version of the directory (2002-2003). In order to provide the most current and accurate information, the directory will now be offered as an electronic document available for download/print. Changes to this directory will be made as information is verified. All amendments will be noted by date and posted on this website as they occur. Please visit this site often and refresh your browser to check for updates.

To the users of this directory:
- The purpose of this directory is to provide information to the aeronautical community for planning purposes when operating to and from hospital heliports in the state of Illinois. This directory is not intended to be relied upon as a completely accurate depiction of existing heliport conditions.
- All hospital heliports in Illinois are classified as Restricted Landing Areas and are for private use only. Prior permission to operate from the heliport should be obtained from the hospital administration.
- Everyone involved in the production of this document has strived to ensure that the information contained within is accurate. However, it is always possible that errors have been made. Also, conditions at a heliport can change at any time. Users should obtain the latest information from all available sources prior to flight.
- Remember, the pilot in command is ultimately responsible for the safety of the flight. That includes obtaining the most accurate information possible. This directory alone will not fulfill that obligation.
Below are revisions by date with a downloadable version of the revised sections.
08/06/2018: Download
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Revision Date | Pages | Hospitals | Comments |
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Revision Date | Pages | Hospitals | Comments |
The files below represent the entire Hospital Heliport Directory. They are the most current version of the directory and incorporate all the individual updates found above. Please click the links below to download the sections. Please note that the files are large and it may take several minutes to download each file.
The printed version of the directory is current as of June 19, 2012. The following files include all updates since the last printing.
Questions or Updates?
Troy Reiser
Bureau Chief of Aviation Safety
Division of Aeronautics
1 Langhorne Bond Drive
Springfield, Illinois 62707-8415
Phone: (217) 785-4989
Fax: (217) 785-4533