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The Illinois Adopt-A-Highway program brings citizen volunteers into partnerships with IDOT to pick up trash and keep our roadsides clean. The program also educates and encourages people to stop littering. Through the cleanup efforts of more than 10,000 Adopt-A-Highway volunteers throughout Illinois, visitors and tourists have a better first impression of our state and roadways are safer because of less roadside debris.

Illinois needs your help to keep its roadsides clean. Please consider adding your group of friends, neighbors, coworkers, or club members to our list of volunteers who make a positive impact on the area where they live.

Just about anyone can take part:

  • Civic groups
  • Clubs
  • Organizations
  • Sororities and fraternities
  • Churches
  • Coworkers
  • Neighbors
  • Friends and families

To participate, each volunteer group applies for a two-mile section of highway, which they select from an interactive map within the application.  Once approved, volunteer groups agree to remove litter from the assigned section of highway at least four times each year for a two-year period and agree to complete an Adopt-A-Highway Clean-Up Report after each clean-up day.  In return, IDOT will install roadside signs identifying the volunteer group as an Illinois Adopt-A-Highway participant.  IDOT provides safety vests and trash bags to Adopt-A-Highway volunteers and removes the bags from the roadside. 

There may be times when a road may appear available for adoption but, for a variety of reasons, is not available.

Reasons may include that the roadside is considered unsafe for volunteers or the state route is in an area where the municipality has its own Adopt-A-Highway program.  If you choose an unavailable location, an IDOT representative will contact you to discuss alternative options.

To apply, please complete the interactive Adopt-A-Highway Request below.  If you prefer to print a copy of the form, select the Adopt-A-Highway Permit Request (PDF).  Questions? Please email or call (217) 557-3224.

Download a copy of the program rules. 


Introduction Video

Onboarding Video


Adopt-A-Highway Permit Request

It is recommended that applicants use a desktop or laptop computer when completing the application. Embedded in the application is an interactive map that applicants use to select the location they want to adopt. The interactive map is not applicable with mobile devices.

Interactive Adopt-A-Highway Permit Request

Adopt-A-Highway Permit Request PDF (OC 100)

Adopt-A-Highway Clean-Up Report

If your group completed a clean-up of your adopted highway, please complete an Adopt-A-Highway Clean-up Report.

Adopt-A-Highway Clean-up Report

Adopt-A-Highway Clean-up Report PDF (OC 101)

Adopt-A-Highway Renewal Form

If your group needs to renew your Adopt-A-Highway permit, please complete the Adopt-A-Highway Renewal Form.

Adopt-A-Highway Renewal Form

Adopt-A-Highway Exit Survey

If your group no long wishes to participate in the Adopt-A-Highway Program, please let us know why so we can continue to improve our program.

Adopt-A-Highway Exit Survey

Adopt-A-Highway Exit Survey PDF (OC 102)


IDOT Adopt-A-Highway Program
