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2014 - Awards & Recognition
Minority Participation
IDOT received the HACIA Advocacy Award from the Hispanic American Construction Industry Association for its dedication and leadership, which has contributed in providing new opportunities to and growth of Hispanic construction-related businesses throughout Illinois.
- Priscilla Tobias, State Safety Engineer for Illinois, is the 2014 Public Sector recipient of the John “Jake” Landen Memorial Safety Award. This award is from the Traffic Safety Industry Division (TSID) of the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA). ARTBA hosts the event each year for members of the AASHTO Subcommittee on Traffic Engineering and the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD).
- Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) gave Illinois its highest rating for drunk-driving prevention, as it named Illinois a five-star state for drunk driving prevention in its 2014 Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving Report.
Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann L. Schneider was recognized with a city of Peoria Proclamation by Mayor Jim Ardis for her extraordinary dedication to the State of Illinois and the efforts to promote best practices in the field of transportation.
Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann L. Schneider was honored by the 2014 Heartland Sustainability Award Committee at the Annual Innovations Conference on Asphalt and Transportation with the 2014 Sustainability Award for her extraordinary leadership and dedication to social and environmental principles of sustainability.
Sustainable Practices
IDOT received the Governor’s Green Government Coordinating Council Award for Outreach and Education regarding the creation of the Illinois Bike Plan, which recognizes bicycling as a safe, healthy and sustainable transportation option, that plays a vital role in Illinois’ diverse transit landscape.
Multi-Modal Planning
- IDOT received two regional awards in the 2014 AASHTO America’s Transportation Awards competition. The Red Line South Reconstruction Project in the Chicago area was selected as a winner in the “Under Budget, Large” category. The Mississippi River Bridge project in the Metro-East/St. Louis area was selected as a winner in the “Best Use of Innovation, Large” category. IDOT was recognized at the Mid-America Association of State Transportation Officials (MAASTO) awards luncheon on July 29, 2014.