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To begin the permit process, please submit to the District office for processing a letter of request including a description of proposed work, location map, detailed drawings, traffic studies, traffic control plan and other pertinent information, depending upon the requirements determined by the district office.
Next Steps
After the request has been reviewed the district may require a bond, three copies of the bond must be submitted to the district office. The district will inform you of the required bond value. Inform the district if you have a Blanket Bond to cover work in Illinois.
If approved, IDOT will supply the permittee with a highway permit for execution, and also if required, a bond and/or resolution. The time frame for receiving a permit varies depending upon the project. For larger developments, subdivisions or permits with signals/turn lanes, please allow 9 to 14 months from first submission to permit issuance.
Bond Note: Regardless of when work is completed, the permit must be held with an active bond for a period of time determined by the department. If the surety requires a letter from the state verifying a bond may be cancelled, a letter of cancellation must be sent to issuing district referencing the permit number issued.
If a blanket bond was issued, the bond must remain active until five years after the last permit was issued against the blanket bond. To cancel a blanket bond, a letter of cancellation must be sent after five years from the date of last permit issue.