Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
Stay Connected
The website is IDOT's primary way of doing business. The subscription server emails are an added courtesy the department provides. By subscribing you will receive both the Prequalification of Consultant Engineering Firms list as well as the Professional Transportation Bulletin directly via the email you enter.
Instructions to Subscribe
- Prepare and send an email to the IDOT Subscription Server by using the following email address subscribe-dot-ptb@lists.illinois.gov.
- A confirmation email will be sent to the subscriber with instructions.
Instructions to Unsubscribe
- Prepare and send an email to the IDOT Subscription Server by using the following email address unsubscribe-dot-ptb@lists.illinois.gov.
YouTube Playlist
We have recorded past WebEx's and posted them to a YouTube Playlist, to view these video click this link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFnMWoCoXoiEKQotFS8JPx_2m5eoG4xKX