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Inspection Classes

January 27 - February 7, 2025

8:00 am - 5:00 pm each day


The class will be held at: 


Springfield, IL 62702

Maximum number: 30

The cost is $2300. Registration will not be allowed through the NHI website.

NOTE: This course was updated in 2022 and is based on the FHWA Bridge Inspector's Reference Manual (BIRM - 2022 Version), National Bridge Inspection Standards (2022 NBIS), and the FHWA Specifications for the National Bridge Inventory (SNBI).

This course also contains new MANDATORY requirements for participants and host in preparation for in-the-field exercises. See details below.

This course, based on the BIRM - 2022 Version, 2022 NBIS, and the SNBI, provides training on safety inspection of in-service highway bridges. The completion of this course fulfills the training requirements of the NBIS (23 CFR 650.309) for an FHWA-approved comprehensive training course. The course has undergone significant improvements in format and content including required bridge inspection in-the-field exercises, curriculum on the application of the Coding Guide and AASHTO element level condition ratings, and updated activities that maximize participant engagement throughout the course. The topics covered include fundamentals of bridge inspection; bridge materials; documenting bridge inspection data; inspection and evaluation of decks, superstructures, bearings, substructures, culverts, and waterways; advanced inspection methods; and bridge inspection reporting. For instances where in-the-field time is not possible due to unforeseen circumstances such as severe weather (snow, hurricane, flooding, heavy rain, tornadoes), a back-up option for the in-the field exercise will be permitted using the NHI computer-based Virtual Bridge Inspection Computer Based Training (VBI CBT) program.

Participants are required to attend 100% of the sessions of the course and successfully complete mid-term and end-of-course assessments with a cumulative score of 70% or better to receive a certificate of completion. The sponsoring agency/State may monitor the examinations and retain the scores to qualify or certify bridge inspectors. Note: Many States have additional requirements to become a bridge inspection team leader.

Participant Prerequisite Requirement: ALL participants must have met one of the two prerequisite requirements for participation in this course and must bring a course completion certificate bearing their name to the first day of the class. The passing score for all prerequisites is 70% or better. Individuals have the option to complete one of the following two prerequisite requirements: 1) 130101 Introduction to Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges, a 14-hour Self-Directed Training (SDT) and assessment; or 2) 130101A Prerequisite Assessment for Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges, a Self-Directed Training (SDT) assessment only (test out).


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the duties and responsibilities of a bridge inspector and define inspection concepts including personal and public safety issues associated with bridge inspections
  • List the inspection equipment needs for various types of bridges and site conditions
  • Describe, identify, evaluate, and document the various components and deficiencies that can exist on bridge components and elements
  • List design characteristics and describe inspection methods and locations for common concrete, steel, and timber structures
  • Identify and evaluate the various culvert and waterway deficiencies
  • Discuss the need to inspect underwater portions of bridges
  • Describe nondestructive evaluation methods for basic bridge materials
  • Demonstrate how to field inspect and evaluate common concrete, steel, and timber bridges

For additional details visit NHI’s Website. Individuals wishing to register for the NHI 130055 course should click the registration link above.

Seating for the course will be limited. If more individuals register than seats available, IDOT will determine the class roster based on the needs of the department and other considerations.

Any questions regarding the course should be directed to the Bridge Management Unit.

5 day, Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges for Professional Engineers class, FHWA NHI 130056

February 24 - February 28, 2025

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM each day


The class will be held at: 


Springfield, IL 62702

Maximum number: 30

The cost is $1475.

NOTE: This course was updated in 2023 and is based on the FHWA Bridge Inspector's Reference Manual (BIRM - 2022 NBIS Version), National Bridge Inspection Standards (2022 NBIS), and the FHWA Specifications for the National Bridge Inventory (SNBI).

This course also contains new MANDATORY requirements for participants and host in preparation for in-the-field exercises. See details below.

This course, based on the BIRM - 2022 NBIS Version, 2022 NBIS, and the SNBI, provides training on safety inspection of in-service highway bridges. The completion of this course fulfills the training requirements of the NBIS (23 CFR 650.309) for an FHWA-approved comprehensive training course. The course has undergone significant improvements in format and content and is a 5-day adaptation of FHWA-NHI 130055 training course including required bridge inspection in-the-field exercises, curriculum on the application of the SNBI and AASHTO element level condition ratings, and updated activities that maximize participant engagement throughout the course. The topics covered include fundamentals of bridge inspection; bridge materials; documenting bridge inspection data; inspection and evaluation of decks, superstructures, bearings, substructures, culverts, and waterways; advanced inspection methods and bridge inspection reporting. For instances where in-the-field time is not possible due to unforeseen circumstances such as severe weather (snow, hurricane, flooding, heavy rain, tornadoes), a back-up option for the in-the field exercise will be permitted using the NHI computer-based Virtual Bridge Inspection Computer Based Training (VBI CBT) program.

Participants are required to attend 100% of the sessions of the course and successfully complete mid-term and end-of-course assessments with a cumulative score of 70% or better to receive a certificate of completion. The sponsoring agency or State may monitor the examinations and retain the scores to qualify or certify bridge inspectors. Note: Many States have additional requirements to become a bridge inspection team leader.

Participant Prerequisite Requirement: ALL participants must have met one of the two prerequisite requirements for participation in this course and must bring a course completion certificate bearing their name to the first day of the class. The passing score for all prerequisites is 70% or better. Individuals have the option to complete one of the following two prerequisite requirements: 1) 130101 Introduction to Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges, a 14-hour Self-Directed Training (SDT) and assessment; or 2) 130101A Prerequisite Assessment for Safety Inspection of In-Service Bridges, a Self-Directed Training (SDT) assessment only (test out).

There is another version of the 1-week bridge inspection comprehensive course available, FHWA-NHI-130056C, based on the 1995 FHWA Recording and Coding Guide for the Structure Inventory and Appraisal of the Nations Bridges (Coding Guide), which also fulfills the training requirements of the 2022 NBIS.


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the importance of bridge inspection
  • Define the fundamental bridge inspection concepts
  • Describe the basic bridge materials
  • Describe the fundamentals of inspection reporting
  • Identify the various deficiencies that can exist on bridge decks
  • List design characteristics of common concrete superstructures
  • Describe inspection methods and locations for common concrete superstructures
  • List design characteristics of common steel superstructures
  • Describe inspection methods and locations for common steel superstructures
  • List design characteristics of common timber and misc. superstructures
  • Describe inspection methods and locations for common timber and misc. superstructures
  • Identify inspection procedures for bridge bearings
  • Identify inspection procedures of substructures
  • List the characteristics and inspection procedures of culverts
  • Identify and evaluate waterway deficiencies
  • Discuss the need to inspect underwater portions of bridges
  • Identify advanced inspection methods of common bridge materials
  • Describe the fundamentals of bridge inspection reporting
  • Demonstrate how to field inspect on the field trip


*Please note: prerequisite must be completed within 2 years of the FHWA-NHI-130056 session start date.

Seating for the course will be limited. If more individuals register than seats available, IDOT will determine the class roster based on the needs of the department and other considerations.

Any questions regarding the course should be directed to the Bridge Management Unit.

April 1 - April 3, 2025

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM each day


The class will be held at: 

IDOT Division of Aeronautics

1 Langhorne Bond Road, Springfield, IL, 62707

Maximum number: 30

The cost is $925.

Course Description:

NOTE: This course was updated in 2022 and is based on the FHWA Bridge Inspector's Reference Manual (BIRM - 2022 NBIS Version), National Bridge Inspection Standards (2022 NBIS), and the FHWA Specifications for the National Bridge Inventory (SNBI). Knowledge and understanding of the SNBI are highly recommended for individuals taking this course.

This course provides refresher training on the safety inspection of in-service highway bridges. The completion of this course fulfills the requirements of the NBIS (23 CFR 650.309) for a cumulative total of 18 hours of FHWA-approved bridge inspection refresher training over each 60-month period. The course has undergone significant improvements in format and content including curriculum on the application of the SNBI and AASHTO element level condition ratings, and updated activities that maximize participant engagement throughout the course. The topics covered include current events and publications; planning and preparing for a bridge inspection; bridge materials; documenting bridge inspection data; characteristics and inspection of decks, superstructures, bearings, substructures, culverts, and waterways; advanced inspection methods and bridge inspection reporting. Optional topics include Advanced Inspection Methods of Concrete, Steel, and Timber; Advanced Steel Fracture and Fatigue Concepts; Characteristics and Inspection of Bridges with Complex Features; Complex Bridge Bearings; Masonry and FRP Bridge Members; Scour; Legal Vehicles, Load Rating, and Signage; Roadside Hardware; or Timber Substructures. For this version of the course (3-day), the host agency will need to select four (4) desired optional topics. Course instructors will contact the host prior to the course to complete a pre-course questionnaire, determine optional topics to be taught, and discuss the course schedule.

Participants are required to attend 100% of the sessions to achieve successful completion of the course. A score of 70% or better is required on the end of course assessment to receive continuous education units (CEUs). The sponsoring agency/State may monitor the examinations and retain the scores to qualify or certify bridge inspectors. Note: Many states have additional qualification requirements for their bridge inspection team leaders.


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the current overall condition and condition trends for the nation's bridges
  • Identify the recent National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) revisions
  • Accurately code National Bridge Inventory (NBI) items
  • Identify and document inspection observations using standard methods
  • Evaluate defects based on the 2019 AASHTO Manual for Bridge Element Inspection
  • Code NBI components using the Specification for the National Bridge Inventory
  • Determine if overall structure/structural member is has Non-Redundant Steel Tension Members (NSTMs)
  • List the keys to ensuring a safe work environment
  • Explain characteristics and inspection methods for multiple bridge components


ALL participants must have previously successfully completed the 130055 or 130056 course for participation in this course and must bring a course completion certificate bearing their name to the first day of the class. The passing score for all prerequisites is 70% or better.


Seating for the course will be limited. If more individuals register than seats available, IDOT will determine the class roster based on the needs of the department and other considerations.

Any questions regarding the course should be directed to the Bridge Management Unit.

April 30 - May 2, 2024
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM each day
Registration Deadline: March 13, 2024

The class will be held at:

IDOT - Hanley Building Auditorium
2300 S. Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, IL 62764

Maximum number: 30

The cost is $1050.


This course is intended to supplement participant's existing knowledge with bridge inspection techniques by increasing their depth into the inspection of Non-Redundant Steel Tension Members (NSTMs). The course includes hands-on demonstrations of common nondestructive evaluation (NDE) methods that inspectors may use during inspection of NSTMs, development of a NSTM bridge inspection plan procedure, and updated activities that maximize participant engagement throughout the course.

The first day of the training focuses on the definition of NSTMs, NSTM identification, properties of steel, weld types and quality, load-inducted fatigue, distortion induced fatigue, and fracture. Day two includes fatigue prone details, AASHTO fatigue categories along with hands-on exercises to identify fatigue details with three-dimensional models. Day two concludes with planning and executing an NSTM inspection with lessons covering hands-on access, field evaluation of findings, critical findings, and developing NSTM inspection procedures. Day three covers nondestructive testing methods with a description of ultrasonic, magnetic particle, and dye penetrant testing methods. Participants will also get hands-on experience conducting both magnetic and dye penetrant testing on real welds.


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Define NSTM, fatigue, and fracture
  • Identify properties of steel
  • Discuss weld types and quality
  • Describe factors affecting fatigue life
  • Identify distortion-induced fatigue
  • Explain constraint-induced fracture
  • Identify fatigue categories and details
  • Discuss NBIS requirements for NSTM inspections
  • Describe steel defects and effect on fatigue
  • Prepare NSTM inspection procedures given abridge example
  • Evaluate NDE methods

For additional details visit NHI’s Website. Individuals wishing to register for the NHI 130078 course should click the registration link above. 

Seating for the course will be limited. If more individuals register than seats available, IDOT will determine the class roster based on the needs of the department and other considerations.

Any questions regarding the course should be directed to the Bridge Management Unit.

April 30 - May 2, 2024
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM each day
Registration Deadline: April 29, 2024

Class will be held virtually

There is no cost for the class


All training version are based on the "AASHTO Manual for Bridge Element Inspection" and provides introductory training on element level inspection of in-service highway bridges.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the following terms:
  • Component vs. Element vs. Safety Inspection Data
  • Elements (NBE, BME, ADE)
    • Element Environments
    • Element Condition States
    • Element Defects
  • Structures and Structure Units
  • Explain the rules and conventions for identifying and quantifying elements
  • Interpret condition state language
  • Review as-built plans to identify bridge elements and determine appropriate units and quantities for elements
  • Interpret condition state language based on visual observations and quantify and record observations
  • Explain why bridge management is important
  • Explain how element level data supports bridge management
  • Identify areas of inconsistency and/or differing interpretations
  • Suggest areas for clarification or further guidance

Target Audience

Federal, State, and local highway agency employees, and consultants involved in inspecting bridges or in charge of a bridge inspection unit. A background in bridge engineering and/or bridge inspection is recommended.

Course Handouts

Printed handouts will not be provided.  Please print or bring tablet/laptop to view the pdfs.


Participant Workbook

Lesson 4 & Lesson 6 blank form (PDF) | Word

Lesson 7 blank form (PDF) | Word

Example Plans

Element and Condition State Handout

Any questions regarding the course should be directed to the Bridge Management Unit

2 day, Bridge Inspection Nondestructive Evaluation Seminar, FHWA NHI 130099A

The Springfield, IL class will be held at:

Crowne Plaza
3000 S. Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, IL 62764 - map

Maximum number: 30

The cost is $295. Registration will not be allowed through the NHI website.

For additional details, visit NHI’s Website. Individuals wishing to register for the NHI 130099A course should click the registration link above.

Seating for the course will be limited. If more individuals register than seats available, IDOT will determine the class roster based on the needs of the department and other considerations.

Any questions regarding the course should be directed to the Bridge Management Unit.

Priority given to IDOT, FHWA and Other State DOTs; in that order.

The class will be held at:

Crowne Plaza Springfield – Convention Center
3000 S Dirksen Pkwy
Springfield, IL 62703 - map

Maximum number: 30

The cost is $480.

Registration will not be allowed through the NHI website.

Any questions regarding the course should be directed to the Bridge Management Unit.

The Schaumburg, IL class will be held at:

IDOT District 1
201 West Center Court
Schaumburg, IL 60196

The Springfield, IL class will be held at:

Executive Conference Room
2300 S. Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, IL 62764

Maximum number: 30

The cost is $800. Registration will not be allowed through the NHI website.

For additional class details visit NHI’s Website. Individuals wishing to register for the NHI 135046 course should click the registration link above.

Seating for the course will be limited. If more individuals register than seats available, IDOT will determine the class roster based on the needs of the department and other considerations.

Any questions regarding the course should be directed to the Bridge Management Unit.

April 22 – April 24, 2025
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM each day
Registration Deadline: April 15, 2025


The class will be held at: 

IDOT – Central Office
2300 S. Dirksen Parkway
Springfield, IL 62764

There is no cost for the class.


This training is 2.5-days, in-person, and instructor-led providing details about collecting and reporting National Bridge Inventory (NBI) data using the Specifications for the National Bridge Inventory (SNBI), March 2022 w/ Errata #1. Training is provided through PowerPoint slides, with participant engagement using periodic knowledge checks and exercises. Training modules and lessons are aligned with the sections and subsections within the SNBI. Training materials in electronic format, typically PDF, are provided to the host for printing or distribution to participants. The minimum number of participants is 10 and the maximum is limited only by the facilities and accommodation provided by the host.  There is no fee for the training.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the training, participants will be able to:

A.         Explain the importance of the NBI

B.         Explain the expectations for use of the SNBI

C.         Identify data sets and their relationships

D.         Discuss the applicability of data items

E.         Apply the appropriate data item codes

F.         Recognize the anticipated timeline for SNBI implementation

Target Audience

This training is tailored for bridge inspection program personnel responsible for collecting, documenting, and reporting bridge inventory data as well as those that utilize the data for bridge asset management.  This could include bridge inspection program managers, bridge inspection team leaders, bridge inspection team members, load raters, load permit evaluators, bridge maintenance personnel, roadside safety hardware specialists, data analysts, and bridge asset managers for State DOTs, local agencies, Federal agencies, Tribal governments, consultants, and FHWA.  A background in bridge engineering and/or bridge inspection is recommended.
