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Business Development Program
Applications for FFY 2018 will open after November 1, 2017. Please check back at that time.
Highway Construction Careers Training Program
IDOT administers the Highway Construction Careers Training Program through community colleges throughout the Department's nine districts. This program is designed to increase the total number of historically underutilized individuals working on IDOT highway construction projects. Participants in the program have an opportunity to learn highway construction industry trade and life skills including specialized math, blueprint reading, OSHA certification, and utilization of highway construction tools.
The Code of Federal Regulations (23 CFR 230 Subpart A) defines an equal opportunity program on federal aid projects as this, “supportive services means those services provided in connection with approved on-the-job training programs for highway con-struction workers and highway contractors which are designed to increase the overall effectiveness of training programs through the performance of functions determined to be necessary in connection with such programs, but which are not generally consid-ered as comprising part of actual on-the-job craft training”. IDOT developed from this federal regulation, the Highway Construction Careers Training Program.
Please visit the HCCTP webpage for more information on this program.
Mentor Protégé Program
The Construction / Consultant Mentor Protégé Program centers on business collaborations between mentor firms and protégé firms (DBE certified socially and economically disadvantaged businesses) to provide developmental assistance to enhance the pro-tégé’s business and technical capabilities to do more complex work.
Please visit our Mentor Protégé webpage for more information.
DBE Working Capital Revolving Loan Program
In September 2013, IDOT launched the DBE Working Capital Revolving Loan Program. Currently, the Department is working to restructure the program and secure a new escrow agent to distribute funds. For more information, contact the SBE Office at 217-782-5490.