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Useful Links
In addition to the links included in the narrative section the following links are provided for your convenience:
- Illinois Vehicle Code: The vehicle code includes laws related to safety, including lighting standards on an adjacent to highway right-of-way.
- 23 USC Section 131 Control of Outdoor Advertising: This is the section of US Code that sets the standards for Outdoor Advertising Control.
- 23 CFR Part 750 Highway Beautification: This is the part of the Code of Federal Regulations pertaining to the control of Outdoor Advertising.
- Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency (ISTEA) Act of 1991: ISTEA redefined the highway designations, thereby changing the definition of what routes are controlled for Outdoor Advertising.
- FHWA Outdoor Advertising Links : useful links to national Outdoor Advertising information from the FHWA
- History & Overview of the Federal Outdoor Advertising Control Program: This site gives the national history and background of the Outdoor Advertising Control program.
- OAAI: Outdoor Advertising Association of Illinois.
- OAAA: Outdoor Advertisers Association of America.