Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
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Bridge Support
The IDOT Bureau of Bridges and Structures subscription service for consultants, local agencies, and other DOTs allows information about updates or additions to be sent out in a timely manner. Areas covered by this subscription will include Type, Size, and Location (TSL) drawings, Technical Manuals, Bridge CADD Support, Guide Bridge Special Provisions (GBSP) files, and All Bridge Designers (ABD) memos.
To subscribe or unsubscribe, click on the link below and send the blank email that pops up. (Do not add anything to the subject line or to the body of the email).
Subscribe: subscribe-dot-bridgesupport@lists.illinois.gov
Unsubscribe: unsubscribe-dot-bridgesupport@lists.illinois.gov
If you have questions or problems concerning the service please contact IDOT Bridge Support at: dot.bbs.comsuggest@illinois.gov
National Bridge Inventory
The IDOT Bureau of Bridges and Structures' National Bridge Inventory (NBI) subscription service for program managers and team leaders, and other persons involved in the bridge inspection program will allow information about updates or additions to be sent out in a timely manner. Areas covered by this subscription will include bridge inspection information, FHWA 23 Metrics, NHI and IDOT training courses, updates to Section 3 of the Structural Services Manual, and other bridge related web-pages.
When updates or changes are made, they can be viewed or downloaded from these pages. The subscription service will provide a means to notify end users of these changes in order for them to download the latest versions and keep files up-to-date.
To subscribe or unsubscribe, click on the link below and send the blank email that pops up. (Do not add anything to the subject line or to the body of the email).
Subscribe: subscribe-dot-nbi@lists.illinois.gov
Unsubscribe: unsubscribe-dot-nbi@lists.illinois.gov
If you have questions or problems concerning the service please contact the Bridge Management Unit at dot.bbs.bridgemgmt@illinois.gov
General Contact Information
For your convenience a Contact Directory has been provided for questions regarding bridges and structures.