Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
Administration of the Project
This section lists all documents that must be submitted by consultants throughout the contract term. Included are documents related to: (1) reimbursement (2) invoices (3) firm changes and (4) closing out a project.
The following are guidelines and reimbursement schedule for travel.
Depending on the type of agreement, please choose the appropriate invoice to bill the department. All invoices are to be submitted to the Project Manger to get processed.
Firm Changes
Any time a firm changes their name, purchases another firm etc. a W-9 must be sent to IDOT to the address or e-mail below.
Anytime the Tax-Payer Identification Number (TIN) changes for a firm or if a firm is being purchased or purchasing another firm with ongoing IDOT contracts and the work is going to be transferred to the new company then Assignment Agreement BDE 2364 must be completed. This document is used for Prime and Sub Agreements and must be completed, with original signatures and sent to:
Illinois Department of Transportation
Bureau of Design and Environment, Preliminary Engineering/Consultant Unit.
2300 South Dirksen Parkway, Room 334
Springfield, Illinois 62764
Or E-mail as a PDF to Jenni.LeSeure@illinois.gov
Closing out a Project
When a project is complete, an Affidavit of Completion: BDE 2357 must be filled out and submitted to the Project Manager for processing.