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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Agency Alert

Welcome to the new IDOT home page.  Our location has changed, please update any bookmarks.

Aircraft Registration

State law requires aircraft owners who reside in Illinois and fly their aircraft in the state to register their aircraft with IDOT. According to Section 14.200 of the Aviation Safety Administrative Rule, 92 Illinois Adm. Code 14, no person shall operate, or authorize to be operated, any civil aircraft in Illinois unless that aircraft has an appropriate effective license, airworthiness certificate or permit issued by the FAA for which a certificate of registration has been issued by the department that is in full force and effect. (See also, Illinois Aeronautics Act, Section 43.) Notable exemptions to the aircraft registration process, including non-airworthy, out-of-state ownership, and aircraft operated solely for interstate commerce. For additional information regarding exemptions, please contact the IDOT Division of Aeronautics or access the Illinois Aeronautics Act, Section 44.

Registration and Fees

Note: IDOT PDF forms can be opened directly when using Internet Explorer. If using a different web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox), right-click the form link and select “Save link as…” to download a working copy.  PDF forms are currently not compatible with mobile or Apple (iOS) devices.

According to Section 14.210 of the Aviation Safety Administrative Rule, 92 Illinois Adm. Code 14, all holders of Federal Aircraft Certificates for aircraft engaged in air navigation in Illinois shall complete an Application for Registration of Federal Aircraft Certificate: AER 2048
(PRINTABLE VERSION - Application for Registration of Federal Aircraft Certificate: AER 2048) form within 30 days after establishing residency in Illinois or within 30 days after purchasing an aircraft.  Each completed application shall contain at least the same information that is shown on the Federal Aircraft Certificate.


The fee for the registration or transfer of registration of each Federal Aircraft Certificate is $20.00 when paid within the first year of the current biennial registration cycle. Persons who register within the second year of the current biennial cycle must pay $10. Remittance shall be payable to the State Treasurer of Illinois and shall be included at the time of the application for registration is submitted. (See Illinois Aeronautics Act, Section 42.)

Certificate Issuance

The division will issue a biennial Certificate of Registration that is required to be carried at all times in or on an aircraft engaged in air navigation in Illinois and that will automatically expire upon transfer of ownership of the aircraft or on the date indicated on the Certificate of Registration. The Certificate of Registration will be mailed to the registrant as soon as possible. Each biennial registration cycle begins January 1 of all even years and expires December 31 of following odd year. Renewal notices are mailed at the beginning of each cycle.


Aircraft Registration Renewals can be completed by mail, or by accessing the Illinois Pilot & Plane Registration system.  


Each Federal Aircraft Certificate and the Certificate of Registration issued by the division shall be carried at all times in or on the aircraft engaged in air navigation in Illinois. Each certificate must be posted where it may be readily seen by passengers or inspectors (i.e., on the pocket of the kick panel) and must be presented for inspection upon demand by any passenger, any peace officer of this state, any officer or authorized employee or designee of the department, or any official, manager or person in charge of any airport or any restricted landing area in Illinois upon which the aircraft lands. (See Illinois Aeronautics Act, Section 45)
In the event of loss, mutilation, correction (i.e., name change) or destruction of a Certificate of Registration, the owner of a registered aircraft may obtain a duplicate from the division upon notifying the division in writing and submitting a payment of $5.00 made payable to the State Treasurer of Illinois.

Pilot Resources

  • The following is an Airport Directory to provide general information for VFR flying that may be useful to a pilot in planning a flight or in communicating with a particular airport. (Please note it is not intended to be relied upon as a completely accurate depiction of existing airport conditions, but as a reference.)
  • Registration is required for pilots who reside in Illinois. Please navigate to Pilot Registration to learn more.
  • To view customized aeronautical related quick links please navigate to Airport Sponsors

Need Help?

Illinois Department of Transportation
Division of Aeronautics
1 Langhorne Bond Drive
Capital Airport
Springfield, Illinois 62707-8415
Phone Number: (217) 785-8500
TDD Number: (866) 273-3631
Fax Number: (217) 785-4533
