Will County - I55 (Lorenzo Road) Project Study
The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) invites you to attend an open house public hearing concerning the preliminary engineering and environmental study (Phase I) for the improvement of Interstate 55 (I-55) at Lorenzo Road and at IL 129 in Will County.
The details of the public hearing are as follows:
Date: Thursday, August 15, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Location: William E. Dugan Training Center – Local 150
19800 West South Arsenal Road
Wilmington, IL 60481
At the meeting, the public can watch a video about the project, explore exhibits including the proposed improvements, leave comments, and have the opportunity to make a verbal statement to a court reporter. The meeting materials will also be available on the project website and at the Study link below.
Written comments can be submitted via email, mailed or submitted through the above website. Comments received by September 16, 2024 will become part of the official public outreach record.
Note: IDOT projects typically have three distinct phases. Phase I (or the project Study) consists of developing the project scope, environmental studies and preliminary design of a project. Phase II (Design) consists of refining the design to develop contract plans and land acquisition. Phase III (Construction) consists of the actual construction of the project.