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Rebuild Illinois Grant
In 2020, as part of the Rebuild Illinois Capital Program, the State of Illinois appropriated funds for the purpose of providing capital grants to downstate public transit agencies. These funds are separated into two funding programs, the Multi-Modal Transportation Bond Fund for Downstate Public Transportation in the amount of $204,000,000, and the Downstate Mass Transportation Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of $151,944,000, for a total of $355,944,000.
The Transit Capital Bureau intends to divide the appropriated capital funds to provide the option of three separate calls for projects over the next three to four years.
Round 3 Application and Resources
- Capital Grant Application
- IDOT Rebuild Evaluation Scorecard
- Link to web-based application
- Notice of Funding Opportunity
- Project Schedule Budget Cashflow Statement
- Application PDF Template (INFO ONLY)
- Application Overview & Training webinar slides (PDF) (6/23/2022)
- Application Overview & Training webinar recording (video) (6/23/2022)