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Agency Alert

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Overview and Scope

IDOT is performing a preliminary engineering and environmental study for potential improvements to IL Route 13 from IL Route 157 to South 23rd Street in St. Clair County, approximately 6.5 miles. This section of IL Route 13 is primarily in the City of Belleville, but has small sections in the City of Cahokia Heights, as well as unincorporated St. Clair County.

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) develops and implements highway transportation improvement projects using a three-phase process:

Phase I: Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Studies

During this phase, IDOT studies a range of alternatives to improve IL Route 13 in the study area that address the purpose and need of the project, including a “no build” option.  IDOT also conducts environmental analysis to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The project team will collect information, determine the needs of the roadway, analyze the alternatives, and identify potential effects to study area resources. Learn more about NEPA.

Phase II: Design

In this phase, IDOT refines the project design in order to develop contract plans. Any additional Right-of-Way that might be needed for the project is acquired during this phase.

Phase III: Construction

The final phase consists of the actual construction of the project.

The IL Route 13 study is currently in Phase I. During this phase, preliminary engineering and environmental studies are completed to develop a roadway improvement plan that addresses an established purpose and need for the contract. A project report will be developed, and land acquisition may begin at the end of this Phase I Study.

Phases I, II, and III are identified in the Department’s FY2025-2030 Proposed Highway & Multimodal Improvement Program
