Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
Compliance and Administration
Agency Agreement
IDOT initiates a limited agency agreement. The Agency Agreement is a contract between the sponsor and the Division of Aeronautics. The Agency Agreement gives the legal authority for the division to act as agent for the sponsor and is a required obligation document to reimburse funds.
The sponsor issues a Notice to Proceed (NTP) and sends a copy to IDOT:
William Eves
Bureau Chief of Airport Engineering
Division of Aeronautics
Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport
One Langhorne Bond Drive
Springfield, Illinois 62707-8415
State Reimbursement
Unlike state lettings, in local lettings the contract is between the contractor and the airport (sponsor). Therefore, IDOT cannot pay the contractor directly, but the sponsor must pay the contractor. With that being said, the following must be utilized for local-let projects and supplied:
The sponsor makes monthly payments to the contractor and consultants (if utilizing), and reimbursement requires that every month, the sponsor to compile a progress payment reimbursement request package, which consists of the following:
- Sponsor Payment Invoice: AER 1961, submitted with each reimbursement request. The “Local-let” box is for contractor reimbursements and if one check is used for multiple payments, an explanation of these payments must be included with the reimbursement application.
- Contractor invoice
- Verification of payment (canceled check or photocopy of same from bank – both sides)
- Properly executed applicable FAA/IDA checklists certifying collection of all required paper work (payrolls, certifications, etc…) or acceptance.
- AIP Sponsor Certification Selection of Consultants: AER 300
Completed prior to any reimbursements for consultant services (i.e., sent along with first application for consultant). - AIP Sponsor Certification: AER 30
FYI: Sponsors are reminded that the checklists are not comprehensive and ALL GRANT TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SPONSOR AND MUST BE MET.
The package and any questions should be submitted via email to: DOT.Aerocontracts@illinois.gov
Or ground delivery:
Attn: Bureau Chief of Administrative Services
Illinois Department of Transportation
Division of Aeronautics
1 Langhorne Bond Drive
Springfield, IL 62707
Contract Changes
If there are any contract changes/additions/reductions to the contract the Authorization of Contract Changes (Local Let): AER 51L must be filled out and submitted to: Dot.Aerocontracts@illinois.gov
Project Closeout
Sponsor: (1) conducts final inspection of project (2) ensures compliance with contractual items has been made (3) provides letter of final acceptance mailing a copy to:
William Eves
Bureau Chief of Airport Engineering
Division of Aeronautics
Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport
One Langhorne Bond Drive
Springfield, Illinois 62707-8415