Map of Illinois Public Use Airports
Illinois Aviation System Plan (IASP) and Economic Impact Analysis (EIA) Study
In 2019, the State of Illinois conducted a Statewide Aviation System Plan and Economic Impact Analysis Study. The overall objective of the Illinois Aviation System Plan, and the establishment of a Continual Illinois Aviation System Plan Process, is to ensure that aviation needs of Illinois are adequately served by its system of aviation facilities, both now and in the future, and that the Illinois Aviation System remain safe, efficient, integrated, and environmentally compatible. Additionally, the IASP and EIA are intended to provide information and data that are necessary to assist the Department in program management while keeping overall funding and project development decisions in mind. Both plans are important tools IDOT use to provide critical information for the state’s distribution of state and federal funding to all system airports. The final study document was published in December of 2022.
The IASP along with EIA profile for each airport can be found at www.ilaviation.com
Pavement Condition Surveys (PCI)
This program presents the results of the 2022-2024 update of the Illinois Department of Transportation, Office of Intermodal Project Implementation – Aeronautics pavement management system.
2022 Illinois Public Airports Rates and Charges
The State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, Bureau of Planning, conducted this study to help airports determine going market rates and current aeronautical use of the State’s Public Use Airports.
2024 Illinois Public Use Inventory Report
2023 Illinois Public Use Inventory Report
2022 Illinois Public Use Inventory Report
This report was created to compile, in one location information on the characteristics and the physical condition of the various elements of the publicly owned and public use airports in Illinois as well as data on the actual use of the publicly owned airports in the State of Illinois.
Annual Proposed Airport Improvement Program
IDOT Airport Staff Assignment Map - June 2020
Each year, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) develops the Annual Proposed Airport Improvement Program. It is designed to provide an overview of the airport improvement program, as well as a current listing of all airport projects programmed for the next federal fiscal year in an effort to inform the general public and aid local transportation stakeholders and business partners in specific planning activities.
The Illinois Department of Transportation’s Annual Proposed Airport Improvement Program includes projects at airports throughout the state to ensure continued safe and efficient operations at these facilities, as well as maximizing opportunities for economic development in Illinois. Justified and eligible projects are selected from the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) submittals and evaluated based on the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) National Priority Rating (NPR) and need. The FAA provides the State of Illinois the preliminary federal programming levels annually for programming purposes. The Annual Proposed Airport Improvement Program does not reflect all known airport needs and deficiencies, but primarily those that have been identified by airport sponsors, the FAA, and IDOT, and found to be consistent with IDOT’s goals.
Limited resources require an airport project evaluation system that maximizes available funds while keeping consistent with national, state, and local community needs. In order to make the best use of the limited state and federal airport development funds, the Illinois Department of Transportation (Department) follows a FAA’s National Priority Rating (NPR) system that allows the Department to identify projects that meet present system needs. Current project priorities are:
- Safety: Projects needed to make the airport facilities safe for aircraft operations.
- Preservation: Projects to preserve the functional or structural integrity of the airport.
- Standards: Projects required to bring the airport up to design standards for current aircraft using the facility.
- Upgrade: Projects required to allow the airport to accommodate larger aircraft which can carry more passengers or cargo.
- Capacity: Expansion projects required to accommodate more aircraft at peak times.
Following these priorities, the Department is able to assist local communities in providing an environment that meets current state and/or federal safety standards, preserving the existing airport infrastructure, and encouraging economic growth by assisting airport sponsors with new development and expansion projects where a clear and demonstrated need exists.
Current ongoing Studies:
Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) – AAM utilization is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. AAM is not a single technology, but rather a collection of new and emerging technologies being applied to the aviation system, particularly in new aircraft types. The vision for AAM is an aviation transportation system that will use highly automated aircraft to transport passengers and cargo for hire. This study will prioritize/recognize existing and near-term vertical lift opportunities (like what might realistically be available in the next 10 years or so). We will be looking for recommendations for future development of a AAM infrastructure program, State rules & regulations review, etc.