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IDOT Highway Employee Memorial
Transportation infrastructure is a vital necessity to our modern society. It literally moves our economy forward and improves our everyday quality of life.
The task of maintaining our transportation infrastructure falls upon the men and women who make up the Illinois Department of Transportation, and while safety is the underlying theme in everything we do, tragedies do occur.
The names listed on this site are the brothers and sisters in our IDOT family who were killed as a result of their commitment to improving the lives of the people of Illinois by providing a safe and efficient transportation system. When you read these names, please take time to remember what was left behind in the name of public service: husbands, wives, sons, daughters, fathers and mothers.
It is not only a memorial to them, but a reminder to all, that driving is not a right, it is a privilege. With privilege comes responsibility to others.
To those listed on this page, thank you.
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