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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Agency Alert

Welcome to the new IDOT home page.  Our location has changed, please update any bookmarks.


  • The Illinois Highway and Street Mileage Statistics publication contains information on the centerline miles totaled by IDOT District, county, pavement type, functional class, and urban areas.
  • The National Highway System (NHS) Illinois Statistics Sheet contains mileage, Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT), and structure statistics for roads and bridges on the National Highway System. Mileage and VMT is summarized by functional class and road system. Structure data is summarized by road system and square footage, along with totals for structurally deficient and functionally obsolete NHS structures.
  • The Illinois Highway Statistics Sheet contains statewide mileage and VMT summary information by functional class and road system. Statewide totals as well as subtotals for the nine individual IDOT Highway Districts are displayed. Summary information about structures is also included.
  • The Illinois Travel Statistics booklet contains a variety of current and historical traffic information. VMT data is summarized by IDOT highway district, county, functional class, road system, and urbanized area. While statewide travel history dates back to 1950, individual county VMT subtotals have been tabulated for the last five years. Charts displaying monthly, daily, and hourly traffic patterns are also included.
  • The FY 2023 Condition Rating Survey Summary Report provides information on the condition of the highway system in categories (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor), current and historical statistics about the amount of pavement grouped by the State of Acceptable Condition (SOAC) criteria, and the roughness (IRI International Roughness Index) by highway type and district.
  • The FHWA Highway Statistics publication consists of annual reports containing analyzed statistical information on motor fuel, motor vehicle registrations, driver licenses, highway user taxation, highway mileage, travel, and highway finance.
  • Crash data is analyzed by IDOT continually. Summary Crash Data reports are available for public viewing. IDOT is not authorized to release individual crash reports.
  • During the decade of the 90's, the Illinois Department of Transportation studied and produced reports on most of the Strategic Regional Arterial system. SRA reports and resources are available for public viewing.
