Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
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The Bureau of Local Roads and Streets (BLRS) subscription service for local agencies allows information to be sent out electronically and reduce the number of mailings sent from BLRS. This service is used to provide general information - In an effort to reduce the number of mailings and the amount of information sent to local agencies, some items are not sent out as circular letters. Rather, they are disseminated through local agency committee meetings. The subscription service will provide a convenient, efficient way of issuing this information in addition to committee meetings. It will also do the following:
- Issue BLRS’ Informational Circular Letters.
- Issue BLRS’ Procedure Memorandums
- Notify users of changes to LR Special Provisions and BLR Forms
- Notify users of funding opportunities
- Distribute the Illinois Technology Transfer Center’s newsletter, training program, and updates
The service is an open list; therefore, local agency and consultant employees need to register in order to receive information electronically. A valid e-mail address and internet access are required to register for the service. In order to subscribe, you must fill out all required fields marked with a red asterisk. If you create a password, you will be able to manage your account and update your e-mail address.
If you have questions or problems concerning the service please contact the Local Policy and Technology Unit at