Why Consider a Roundabout?
Roundabouts reduce 32 conflict points from traditional intersections with traffic signals or stop signs, to only 8 conflict points, lowering chances of vehicle-to-vehicle crashes.
Roundabouts are proven to be safer! Roundabouts require driving 25 mph or slower giving drivers more reaction time to other vehicles or pedestrians in crosswalks. Slower speeds reduce severe injury crashes.
Roundabouts are more efficient than traditional intersections!
Provide longer service life:
- Roundabouts = 25-year service life
- Signal equipment = 15-year service life
- Eliminate wasted time spent at red lights during off-peak hours
- Reduce carbon emissions and fuel consumption.
Roundabouts cost less long-term than traditional traffic signal intersections!
- Reduce road electricity and maintenance costs
- Less expensive to operate than traditional intersections with traffic signals
- Save communities money
* “Safety Effect of Roundabout Conversions in the United States: Empirical Bayes Observational Before-After Study.” Transportation Research Record 1751, Transportation Research, National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Washington, D.C., 2001.
** NCHRP Report 572: Roundabouts in the United States. National Cooperative Highway Research Program, TRB, NAS, Washington, D.C., 2007.
Visit https://highways.dot.gov/safety/intersection-safety/intersection-types/roundabouts to learn more about roundabouts!