Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
If advertising on the state letting, all procurement requirements will be administered through IDOT’s Division of Aeronautics and posted on the Transportation Bulletin.
If advertising on a local letting the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provides guidance for local-let projects and procurements in the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Handbook (FAA Oder 5100.38C). This order provides guidance and sets forth policy and procedures to be used in the administration of the Airport Improvement Program. Several FAA Orders and Advisory Circulars are referred to in this directive before an advertisement can be released a bid proposal package must be submitted.
A bid proposal package must be assembled and submitted for review before the advertisement can be released. The sponsor is required to coordinate this activity with the department. Elements of Project Development include, at a minimum:
- A pre-design meeting to discuss federal requirements, project scope and budgets
- Engineering Report outlining project methodology
- An airspace review is required for all projects - submittals are made on Notice Of Proposed Construction Or Alteration: FAA Form 7460
- Construction Plans
- Project Specifications
- Bid Proposal with federal provisions and Schedule of Prices
A project timeline will be discussed at the pre-design meeting where a letting date will be established and deadlines for project deliverables will be determined.
Submittals should be sent to:
William Eves
Bureau Chief of Airport Engineering
Division of Aeronautics
Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport
One Langhorne Bond Drive
Springfield, Illinois 62707-8415
The sponsor publicly advertises the project for a minimum of 30 days and provides the department with proof of advertisement. The sponsor may advertise the project in any number of ways, including publications with major circulations, such as newspapers or periodicals. Proof must be provided. It can be a scan of the advertisement or the actual newspaper clipping. Please send to:
William Eves
Bureau Chief of Airport Engineering
Division of Aeronautics
Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport
One Langhorne Bond Drive
Springfield, Illinois 62707-8415
Need Help?
Airspace Assistance
John O'Brien
Programming, Planning, & Environmental Engineer
Division of Aeronautics
Project Development & Advertisements
William Eves
(217) 524-2362
Bureau Chief of Airport Engineering
Division of Aeronautics