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TAMP Implementation
IDOT is committed to ensuring the success of its asset management initiatives as a way to improve system conditions while managing the network through strategic, cost-effective improvements. IDOT recognizes that asset management is not a static process; rather, it requires continual evaluation of the process to identify possible changes that could be made to agency policies and practices that will help improve efficiency, reduce risks, and address agency priorities.
IDOT’s implementation accomplishments since the 2019 TAMP was completed include improved project and treatment selection guidance, district training on preservation practices, and consideration of repetitive damage in project programming. IDOT has begun to integrate the TAMP with other federally-required plans and has also improved coordination with local owners of NHS pavements and bridges. Additional enhancements are planned within the next several years to further enhance IDOT’s asset management practices. These enhancements include the implementation of an enterprise asset management system, planned for the Summer of 2023.
Several additional research studies are also in process or upcoming, including:
- Development of element-level deterioration models for bridge elements.
- Development of alternate rehabilitation strategies for unmarked and low traffic volume roadways.
- Updating the LRTP, including better integrating the LRTP and TAMP.
- Initiating a resilience improvement plan.
- Development of a Carbon Reduction Plan.
- Harmonizing bridge costs used for asset management, project-level decisions, and jurisdictional transfers.
- Updating the bridge seismic vulnerability assessment.