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Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage

A worldwide technology outage is causing disruption to some State of Illinois online systems.  We are aware of this issue and are diligently working on restoration.

Agency Alert

Welcome to the new IDOT home page.  Our location has changed, please update any bookmarks.

Strategic Highway Safety Plan

The Illinois' Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) is a statewide data driven plan developed in partnership by the Department and key safety stakeholders and includes comprehensive and coordinated safety strategies involving Engineering, Education, Enforcement, and Emergency Medical Services with the goal to eliminate all fatal and serious injury crashes on all Illinois roadways. The SHSP focuses resources and efforts based on data to improve the safety performance of roadways through design and traffic operations, change roadway user behavior through traffic law enforcement and education programs, and enhance emergency response as it relates to all public roads.

The SHSP builds upon and improves data, data systems, safety analysis and evaluation and is the overarching plan used to implement programs and initiatives through the Highway Safety Plan (to address alcohol and impaired driving use, vehicle occupant protection, and other behavioral programs), the Highway Safety Improvement Program (roadway infrastructure safety), and the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (commercial vehicle and driver safety) to reduce fatalities and life-altering injuries on Illinois roadways. The Illinois SHSP augments to the Department’s Long Range Transportation Plan and contains performance-driven strategies that focus limited highway safety resources toward this common goal. For comments or questions please contact us at

Vulnerable Road User Safety Assessment

The VRUSA consisted of a comprehensive and collaborative effort for the identification of safety trends, policies, rules, and procedures pertinent to safe travel by VRUs, and the development of processes for the identification of programs and projects to address VRU safety. This document outlines the Department’s approach for the assessment of vulnerable road user safety through stakeholder involvement and data analysis with a focus on the safe system approach and an intentional consideration for equity. This document serves as the foundation for a long journey ahead as we continue our mission to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on our roadways with a stronger focus on VRUs.

VRUSA Dashboard

To assist in the use of the VRUSA for the planning of future projects that address the safety of VRUs, a VRUSA Dashboard has been created that allows the user to view the results of the VRUSA data analysis in a way that can be filtered to specific areas of the state.  The home tab of the dashboard provides an overview of the VRUSA providing countermeasures to various safety issues as well as access to resources that helped shape the Safety Assessment.  The High Injury Network (HIN) and Cluster analysis tabs allow the user to view the HIN and Clusters for their desired area and from there the user can download the underlying data to use with their own applications or use the provided map, charts, graphs, and tables to help identify locations that may benefit the most from VRU investment to assist in planning future projects.  The systemic analysis tab allows the user to drill down into the data to help identify systemic safety issues across the state.

Access the VRU Dashboard Here

VRUSA Contact

The VRU Safety Assessment contains summaries of IDOT’s data analysis, more detailed information about specific areas or regions can be requested by contacting the Department.  Also, if you have data that you think would be useful for future VRU Safety Assessments which are to be performed with future SHSPs, please let us know. Data may include infrastructure, exposure as well as on-going initiatives and projects. Please send any data inquiries, questions, or data to include in future assessments to
