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St. Clair County - IL 13 in Belleville Phase I Study

IL Route 157 to South 23rd Street
Belleville, St. Clair County, IL

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is performing a Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Study to analyze roadway improvements for IL Route 13 from IL Route 157 to South 23rd Street in Belleville.

This study will take a detailed look at improvements to IL Route 13 from IL Route 157 to South 23rd Street In Belleville.  Improvements to be studied include the resurfacing of the existing pavement and intersection improvements.

IDOT and its engineering consultant team, aided by input from the public, will inventory existing conditions (such as traffic data and crash history), identify and document environmental constraints, and develop and refine improvement options (alternatives).  The result of the study will be a preferred alternative that addresses identified transportation issues and serves the area’s future needs.
