On Nov. 15, 2021, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, was signed into law.
This new five-year funding authorization bill provides for an approximate 20% increase in federal formula funds and an estimated 12% increase over existing formula funds. This funding, along with additional funding from the Rebuild Illinois capital program passed in June 2019, helps make significant progress in addressing our road and bridge needs in Illinois.
The IIJA and the Rebuild Illinois capital program have significantly increased the size of IDOT’s highway program. The FY 2025 Annual Highway Improvement Program remains significantly larger than previous years, providing $5.3 billion of the $29.65 billion included for highways in the Fiscal Year 2025-2030 Proposed Highway and Multimodal Improvement Program. Also included are projects totaling approximately $530 million in appropriations from previous fiscal years that are scheduled to be implemented in FY 2025. As a result, the FY 2025 Annual Highway Improvement Program totals $5.83 billion.
In addition to the $5.83 billion total program, the General Assembly passed an additional $400 million of appropriations for transportation related purposes in municipalities, counties, townships,and road districts with a priority placed on funding in economically distressed community areas.