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Aviation Safety
IDOT is committed to all aspects of aviation safety and is governed by 92 Ill. Adm. Code 14.
Unmanned Aircraft Systems - Drones
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) or drones are becoming increasingly popular. At the same time the rules for operating these devices continue to change. IDOT is constantly monitoring the changes in requirements to help owners operate their drones safely and legally.
Infrastructure Improvements
IDOT's Proposed Airport Improvement Program includes projects at airports throughout the state to ensure continued safe and efficient operations at these facilities as well as the maximization of opportunities for economic development in Illinois.
Landing Facilities Inspections
Airport inspections are one of the most important things to do to promote safety in aviation. The department conducts inspections of all landing facilities to be sure they meet safety standards to ensure general aviation airport safety and runway safety. In addition, the department conducts inspections on behalf of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of public use airports to make sure that public airports are maintained and inspected.
Outreach Activities
Every year, IDOT conducts aviation and maintenance safety seminars on various safety-related topics and trends. These seminars also bring in industry experts and representatives for presentations on new technology and regulations to provide a dynamic educational training and opportunities to the pilot community. IDOT, along with FAA, organizes Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics to help flight instructors stay abreast of changes in general aviation flight training. These upcoming events are communicated through our Events Calendar, Illinois Aviation quarterly newsletter and Air Mail subscription service.
Pilot and Aircraft Registration
State law requires aircraft owners who reside in Illinois and fly their aircraft in the state to register their FAA pilot certificate or aircraft with IDOT to ensure aviation safety and continued safe and efficient operations of aircrafts in Illinois.