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Agency Alert

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US Route 30 – Illinois Route 47 to Illinois Route 31 Study

The Illinois Department of Transportation (Department) has completed a preliminary engineering and environmental study (Phase I) for the improvement of US Route 30 from Illinois Route 47 to Illinois Route 31 in Kane and Kendall Counties. Design Approval (DA) was obtained on May 18, 2018. Funding for design and construction is not currently included in the Department’s FY 2019-2024 Proposed Highway Improvement Program. However, this project will be included in our priorities for future funding consideration among similar improvement needs throughout the region. The general scope of work for this improvement is anticipated to consist of roadway widening and reconstruction to provide two lanes in each direction separated by a median, bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, and intersection and drainage improvements

Note: IDOT projects typically have three distinct phases. Phase I (or the project Study) consists of developing the project scope, environmental studies and preliminary design of a project. Phase II (Design) consists of refining the design to develop contract plans and land acquisition. Phase III (Construction) consists of the actual construction of the project.





If you have any questions or need information, please contact Lori Brown, Project Manager, at (847) 705-4477 or by email at


This site will be updated periodically as the project progresses. The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) wishes to thank you for your support and patience.


This site will be updated periodically as the project progresses. The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) wishes to thank you for your support and patience.
