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Jane Byrne Interchange - Downtown Chicago

The I-90/94 at I-290 Jane Byrne Interchange (formerly the Circle Interchange) is located in the heart of downtown Chicago, adjacent to the west end of the central business district. It is rated the most congested interchange in the nation, used by some 400,000 vehicles each day. The interchange is more than 50 years old and near the end of its engineering life. The Jane Byrne Interchange was completed in the early 1960s, at about the same time the Kennedy Expressway was built. The Jane Byrne Interchange links to the Dan Ryan Expressway (I-90/94) to the south, the Kennedy Expressway to the north (I-90/94), the Eisenhower Expressway (I-290) to the west, and Congress Parkway to the east.

The Jane Byrne Interchange Project planning and design phase identified the scope of improvements needed, potential costs and a viable construction schedule. The planning phase (Phase I) is completed. Engineering for the design phase (Phase II) activities is funded in the Department's FY 2014-2019 Proposed Multi-Year Highway Improvement Program. The construction phase (Phase III) will be implemented over several years. The first contracts will reconstruct arterial streets which cross the expressway with mainline work covered under future roadway contracts.

Phase I of the Jane Byrne Interchange Study was initiated in May 2012 and was completed in September, 2013. Phase II studies are continuing as roadway plans are prepared and then advertised for contractor bids. Please visit the Jane Byrne Interchange website for up-to-date information regarding the schedule and progress of the study.
