Illinois 84 / Illinois 92 in Silvis from Illinois 84(N) to Illinois 5
Online PublicMeeting: March 11, 2025
The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) will hold an online public meeting to present information and seek input from the public regarding proposed reconstruction of and improvements to Illinois 84/Illinois 92 in Silvis.
4 p.m., Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Register to attend:
For more information, select Resources above.
The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is conducting a preliminary engineering and environmental study (Phase I) for the improvement of Illinois 84/Illinois 92 in the city of Silvis in Rock Island County.
The study limits are from west of 19th Street to the Illinois 5 interchange. The proposed improvements include the reconstruction of Illinois 84/Illinois 92 (1st Avenue), construction of bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, and replacement of storm sewer facilities.
Your participation and feedback in this study are encouraged. Please feel free to provide any questions or comments you may have by clicking on the “Get Involved” link above.
The Project
Illinois 84/Illinois 92 (1st Avenue) is a principal arterial in IDOT’s roadway network and an important east-west corridor through the city of Silvis. The facility carries over 9,000 vehicles per day, serving Silvis, East Moline, and the eastern parts of the Quad Cities. Due to the poor condition of the existing roadway, IDOT has initiated this project to evaluate rehabilitation/reconstruction of the facility.
The Site
The study limits for the project extend from just west of 19th Street to just west of Illinois 5, including connections to side streets. The concrete pavement was originally constructed in 1938 with asphalt overlays and patching performed since that time to maintain its serviceability.
The Study
The study will consist of an assessment of transportation needs for the corridor, including pavement replacement/rehabilitation, traffic management alternatives, intersection improvements, parking accommodations, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and drainage system replacements. Included in the study will be an analysis of the potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed improvements.
Proposed highway improvements are typically processed in three distinct phases.
- In Phase I, proposed geometry, environmental concerns, and right-of-way requirements are defined.
- During Phase II, contract plans are prepared, and any necessary right-of-way is acquired.
- Phase III involves construction of the project.
This schedule is tentative and subject to change. View larger image
Reports and documents relevant to the Illinois 84/Illinois 92 Study will be posted here for viewing when they become available. These documents may include draft and final reports, study area maps, newsletters, public meeting exhibits, and presentations.
Virtual Public Meeting #1
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Time: 4 p.m.
Location: Online
- Newspaper Advertisement
- Public Meeting #1 E-vite
- Newsletter #1 (Coming soon!)
- Public Meeting #1 Recording (Coming soon!)
Get Involved
Submit comments regarding this project. Comments may also be submitted in writing to: Mr. Michael Kuehn, Studies and Plans Engineer, Illinois Department of Transportation, 819 Depot Avenue, Dixon, IL 61021.
Comments received by March 26, 2025 will become part of the public meeting record.
If you prefer, you may contact us by U.S. Mail at:
Region Two Engineer
Attn: Studies and Plans
Illinois Department of Transportation
819 Depot Avenue
Dixon, IL 61021