Interstate 55 at Weber Road Project
The Illinois Department of Transportation (Department) let two projects to reconstruct the interchange of Interstate 55 (I-55) at Weber Road, and Weber Road from Romeo Road (135th Street) to Rodeo Drive (119th Street) in Will County in March, 2018. The interchange of I-55 @ Weber Road and Weber Road need to be updated to respond to the increased travel demands due to development and growth has placed on the surrounding area. The project is located within the municipalities of Bolingbrook and Romeoville in Will County. Upon completion, the project will provide a number of improvements for the roadway users, as it will: increase roadway and intersection capacity, correct geometric deficiencies, providing a new bridge structure in conjunction of rehabilitating the existing bridge structure, and ultimately improve safety and mobility.
Note: IDOT projects typically have three distinct phases. Phase I (or the project Study) consists of developing the project scope, environmental studies and preliminary design of a project. Phase II (Design) consists of refining the design to develop contract plans and land acquisition. Phase III (Construction) consists of the actual construction of the project.