The vision for transportation in Illinois is for all modes to be integrated, coordinated, planned, and built with the idea that present and future travel options are user focused, economically supportive, and ecologically sensitive.
All IDOT plans are designed to provide progressive and action oriented frameworks for Illinois’ transportation system. Plan policies provide a framework to guide the sustainable development of an integrated system that is safe, efficient, and reliable, and one that enhances quality of life and supports the economic prosperity of the state.
Long Range Transportation Plan
The IDOT LRTP is a document created by the IDOT OP&P staff and updated every five years. The LRTP is a strategic roadmap that outlines transportation goals and investment priorities for the state of Illinois. It guides IDOT’s decision-making processes, considers various modes of transportation, and aims to create a sustainable and efficient transportation system that meets the needs of current and future generations.
IDOT makes a long-range transportation plan to provide a comprehensive vision and framework for future transportation development in the state. This plan helps guide infrastructure investments, prioritize projects, and address anticipated challenges such as population growth, changing travel patterns, environmental concerns, and evolving transportation needs. By taking a long-term perspective, IDOT is able to make informed decisions that promote efficient, sustainable, and inclusive transportation systems.
IDOT is conducting multiple transportation studies at the same time to capture the unique characteristics of different regions, urban areas, and transportation modes across Illinois. By tailoring our studies to specific needs, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, freight, and more, we can gather insights that lead to targeted improvements. From rural highways to bustling city streets, we're committed to creating a transportation network that caters to everyone.
Visist the Long Range Transportation Plan webpage
Statewide Planning and Research Funds
There are no available State Planning and Research funds for external use in FY 2026.
Statewide Planning & Research (SPR)funds are used to support planning and research activities. The funds are used to establish a cooperative, continuous, and comprehensive framework for making transportation investment decisions and to carryout transportation planning and research activities throughout the State.
Eligible activities include:
- Planning studies
- Data purchase, collection, and/or analysis
- Research activities
- Program development activities
- Performance management activities
- Coordination/outreach activities
These funds are eligible to internal and external parties. Statewide Planning & Research funds are used to support planning and research activities. The funds are used to establish a cooperative, continuous and comprehensive framework for making transportation investment decisions and to carryout transportation planning and research activities throughout the state.
IDOT evaluated proposed projects based on the following criteria:
- Studying or implementing a goal strategy or objective within the state's Long Range Transportation Plan or one of the Department's associated plans.
- Implementing a performance-based program development process.
- Implementing asset management.
- Benefiting a disadvantaged/economically distressed community
- Climate Change/Carbon reduction
- Equity
- Resiliency Improvement Planning
- Discretionary Grant Program Development
Please contact Michael Vanderhoof ( if you have any questions or would like to discuss.
Upon Receiving an Award Letter, Grantees will be required to send the following information:
Local Public Agency (LPA). GATA Exempt grantees will be required to complete the following forms/processes:
- BoBS 2831 – Conflict of Interest form
- IDOT Uniform Grant Application
- IDOT GATA Exempt Budget
- BoBS 2835 - GATA Exempt Risk Assessment
State Agency, Universities, and Other. Nonexempt grantees will be required to complete the following forms/processes:
- BoBS 2831 – Conflict of Interest form
- GATA Application
- GATA Budget Template
- GATA Programmatic Risk Assessment