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Agency Alert

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Latest Public Meeting

A public hearing was held on Tuesday, November 7 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Hamilton Community Center at 1680 Keokuk Street in Hamilton.

The purpose of the meeting was to present the preferred alternatives for the improvements and obtain feedback.  The public is invited to view exhibits and handouts below and submit any comments or questions to  Comments received by November 21, 2023 will become part of the official record.

Three alternatives were presented to the public at the public hearing: 

Alternative 3A would raise the road on the existing alignment.  This alternative requires raising the railroad line as well.

Alternative 7D would realign U.S. 136 to the south to allow the highway to cross the railroad tracks above the flood elevation.  (Recommended by the Department)

Alternative 8 would use a bridge to take U.S. 136 over the railroad tracks and Warsaw Road.

Handout w/Comparison of Alternative Chart

Slide Presentation

Project Maps 

Alternative 7D Aerial with Pros and Cons (Preferred)

Alternative 7D Plan and Profile (Preferred)

Alternative 7D Large Aerial (Preferred)

Alternative 3A  Aerial with Pros and Cons

Alternative 3A Plan and Profile

Alternative 3A Large Aerial

Alternative 8 Aerial with Pros and Cons

Alternative 8 Plan and Profile

Alternative 8 Large Aerial

Flooding Map of 1993

Comment Form
