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Public Participation

Public Participation

Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) will be utilized for the public involvement for this project

Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS)

An inclusive, responsive public involvement program is an essential part of this project. The public involvement program is being implemented using the principles of Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) and follows the policies and procedures for CSS as developed by IDOT.  CSS is a collaborative approach that involves all stakeholders to develop a transportation facility that fits into its surroundings and preserves scenic, aesthetic, historic, and environmental resources while maintaining safety and mobility.   

Public Meetings

View the proposed interchange concept and receive information about the progress of the project. Due to the project’s location, IDOT would welcome public input from the community and family members of loved ones whose remains are interred at the former sites of the Douglas-Lawnridge and St. Clair County cemeteries.

At the beginning of the project and at various milestones during project development, public meetings will be held to provide information concerning the project development and to receive public input.

Public Involvement to date:

08/08/19 Public Meeting #1 – The Illinois Department of Transportation held the first I-64 under Illinois 111 Public Meeting on Thursday August 8, 2019, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Washington Park Village Office in Washington Park. This Public Meeting was an open forum meeting.  The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the project to the public and share information regarding the need for the replacement of the bridge.  The Project Study Team was available to answer questions, take comments, and provide information about the project.  Informational hand outs were provided, comment forms were provided, and exhibits with information about this project were on display to view. A total of 22 people attended this Public Meeting. Please click on the links below to view the I-64 under Illinois 111 Public Meeting Exhibits.

Please click here to view all PM#1 exhibits

Please click here to view PM#1 brochure.

Public Meeting #2 – A second Public Meeting is currently being conducted.  An in-person meeting was held on August 9, 2022.  This meeting provided community members with an update on the progress and issues concerning proposed improvements for this project.  The Public Meeting was an open forum meeting.   The Project Study Team was available at this meeting to answer questions, take comments, and provide information about the project.

For those who were unable to attend this meeting in person, a Virtual Public Meeting can be viewed below. Listed below are links to the Exhibits, Brochure, and Comment/ Cemetery Commemoration Survey that are available for viewing and comment. The public is encouraged to participate in the Virtual Public Meeting to learn about the study, review the study Exhibits and Brochure, and provide comments and questions concerning this study. Comments will be accepted until Wednesday August 31, 2022.

  • Please click here to view all PM #2 exhibits
  • Please click here to view PM #2 brochure
  • Please click here to fill out our online comment/ cemetery commemoration survey
  • Please click here to view the August newsletter

How can I find out about future public involvement activities?

  • Visit the IDOT project website and click on the Updates tab for notices
  • Request to have your name added to the project mailing list for mailers/ invitations. Contact Matthew Meyer at (618) 346-3160 or by e-mail at to be added to the mailing list.
  • Look for announcements in the local newspaper
  • Look for flyers in local businesses, government agencies, and community buildings
  • Contact local government agency (Village of Washington Park)
  • Watch for roadway message boards for announcements
  • Contact Matthew Meyer at (618) 346-3160 or by e-mail at

Get Involved

If you have questions or want to sign up for the project mailing list, contact Matthew Meyer at (618)-346-3160 or email
